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Redesign Agung Rai Museum of Art (Arma)

Geraldine Karnadi

Bali is frequently associated with their culture and artistic values. It is not a surprise that Bali attracts the attention of tourists and is a top destination for art enthusiasts. Due to its authentic culture, Bali has its own attraction as a tourist destination. One of the top destinations in Bali that has become the center of traditional arts and culture is Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA). ARMA is an art museum in bali that also has a resort, cafe and serves as means for the local community to learn various arts and crafts with having vision and missions to collect, preserve, develop, arts and cultures. However, ARMA’s visual identity has not yet reflect their purposes and therefore has not been able to represent Balinese personality and cultural character. Due to this matter, The redesign of ARMA’s visual identity aims to represent its values and personality to create strong relationship with visitors. The project uses methods such as observation, literature review, and are based on theories from reliable sources.The designing stage is done by choosing keywords; contemporary, bold and traditional, that serves as guidelines to build consistent visuals to be applied on various media.

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