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Perancangan Instalasi Kamapanye Kesadaran Masyarakat Mengenai Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online Melalui Fotografi Konseptual

Regina Susanto

Online gender-based violence (KBGO) in Indonesian society continues to occur to this day. The lack of awareness of the Indonesian people on this issue, the author decided to design a campaign in form of installation through conceptual photography that discusses KBGO that focuses on online sexual violence to increase public awareness in Indonesia. SAFEnet is an association legal entity organization registered under the name of Defenders of Freedom of Southeast Asia located in Denpasar, Bali. The main objective of this installation is to increase the awareness of the Indonesian people towards KBGO, especially in Generation Z and to use the installation to bring the audience into one with the work and foster empathy. This installation use the word intimidating and emotional as the keywords in purpose with the growth of empathy, the audience can feel the urgency of the KBGO campaign and participate.

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