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Legenda Naga Baru Klinting

Cindy Priscilia Wiryanto

Folktale is not an uncommon thing in Indonesia. Folktales are preserved by text and word of mouth. One example of folktale in Indonesia is Naga Baru Klinting which tells us about how Rawa Pening was made. Book is source of information and knowledge. The design of a book has the aim of maximizing the delivery of a message to the reader. In this case of redesigning storybook Legenda Naga Baru Klinting data collection was carried out using literature study method. The data obtained is then analyzed and the writer determines keywords, traditional and playful, which is used as a guide for visual strategies. This redesign aims to provide a more dynamic and colorful alternative design in order to help explain and increase children's imagination about the legend of the Naga Baru Klinting story.

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