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Keripik Sambal Special Visual Identity and Product Packaging

Audrey Alicia Silverstan

“Keripik Sambal Special” is a typical souvenir product from Sibolga city that is founded by Mr.Liongto since 1987. Since it started the product never experience change of packaging and logo this cause several problem on the product “Keripik Sambal Special. The problem are the visual identity is too weak and the brand image doesn’t show well on the packaging this cause the product to miss the brand image as a souvenir product, the inconsistency application of the logo on the media that is used, information that is not informative because the readability is weak, and the hierarchy is not well structured from the packaging. Because of this the product need a redesign on the visual identity that can make the brand image stronger an become a typical stronger product for Sibolga that will be applied on the packaging and other implementation. The redesign of visual identity and packaging went thru a couple of step that is choosing the topics, identifying the visual problem, data gathering from interview with Ms.Suryani as the owner and observation by visiting the office store “Keripik Sambal Special” and analysis the data result. The next step is visual design about packaging design and visual identity."

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