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Installation Campaign of Hate Speech on Social Media

Elsa Evita Rahman

Nowadays, people will not be far from gadgets and social media. One of the things that often happens on social media is hate speech which can have an impact on mental health. Jempol Baik is an organization that focuses on increasing awareness of hate speech. Many people still abuse social media, which leads to hate speech on social media. For this, education is needed regarding the impact that can be obtained from getting hate speech. The campaign is one way to provide education. The design refers to the theory of Don Norman's Three Levels of Emotional Design where is influenced by a system of visceral, behavioral, and reflective emotional levels, and uses The Design method methodology where there are four design stages, namely discovery, planning, creative and application. An installation campaign that raises the issue of hate speech on social media aims to help inform the public about the impact of hate speech on social media.

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