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Entrepreneurship Brand Design: Graphic and Photography based Wearable Art Merchandise

Juan Justianto

This thesis explains the design process of a business plan that sellssustainable high-quality graphic and photography based products. This business plan is briefly motivated by the market need for sustainable products . The study conducted at the writing of this paper aims to describe, and explain the business planning process mentioned. This business project is also expected to be implemented according to the results of the research conducted. Namely, with the formation of a business entity that can survive (sustainable) on the long run. On the other hand, this business project also aims to offer products with good quality materials and are environmentally friendly as well as fashionable and relevant with distinctive character to achieve timelessness. Of course to build a product as already mentioned, will require a lot of in-depth and extensive research not only in terms of visuals but also in terms of materials.

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