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Corat-coret di Toilet

Erlis Leoni

"Corat-coret di Toilet" is a fictional short story by Eka Kurniawan that raises the political issue of the silence of freedom of opinion that occured during the New Order period. This short story has become one of the contributing works in literary world at the beginning of its publication in 2000. 23 years onto Reformation period, the value raised in the short story are actually still relevant to similar political issues that occur in the political arena in the current Reformation period. However, the existence of short stories is increasingly marginalized from the reach of the younger generation along with the development of new literary works with a more diverse media appearance. Therefore, a more optimal message delivery medium is needed to bring back the existence of this short story to a wider public space through visual design in the form of collage illustrations. The political issues discussed in the short story "Corat-coret di Toilet" are conveyed by combining fragments of the realities of socio-political life into several collage illustration frames which are the presented in the media of illustrated short stories. This illustrated short story book is expected to be able to communicate the value of short stories more expressively and immersively to the public reach of the younger generation. The visual design presentation is also expected to arouse the interest of the younger generation in reading literacy, as well as to provide an imaginative experience that leads the mind to an interpretation of meaning with the capability to arouse the reader’s emotional response.

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