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"Bertaut" Illustrated Lyric Book


Values that attach importance to the bond between mothers and children have existed in Indonesia for a long time, as seen in the proverb “heaven is at the feet of the mother”. This design aims to remind these values by presenting the song “Bertaut” by Nadin Amizah in a visual form. The song itself does contain an emotional message about the bond of its writer and her mother. With the ability of songs’ lyric to communicate the writer’s message, and the ability of illustration to clarify the meaning in a text, this design was then decided to produce a good illustration work. The design process itself untilizes the semiotic theory of icon, index, and symbol by Charles Sanders Peirce as the basis for visual design. The methodology or design stage uses the design thinking method by Ambrose and Harris which is divided into define, research, ideate, prototype, select, implement, and learn. According to this theory, first, identification of the problem and its limitations is carried out, secondly literature study and interviews with literary experts will be done, then a brainstorming process to get keywords as a visual basis, after which visual exploration sketches are started and maximized by selecting good exploration results. Finally, the production stage will be carried out. It is hoped that through this illustration design, an illustrations visual are created that are able to complement the song’s lyric in the form of an illustrated lyric book.

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