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Maman and His World

Valdy Yonatan

Poverty has been a persistent issue in Indonesia. Many sufferings and deaths are caused by this situation. These days, people, especially Generation Z, consumes a lot of video content on daily basis. Animation, as one of those mediums is an effective medium to communicate emotions and ideas in a unique way and easily understood by children and adults. Therefore, this final project seeks to spread awareness about the issue of poverty in the form of a two-dimensional short animated film. This project uses literature study and data analysis as the design method. The data were obtained from books, articles and online research journals. Information gathered includes the content and context of the adapted book, various references, and animation theory. The output of this project is a three-minute two-dimensional animated short film. Production process starts from keyword exploration, namely Affliction which describes the character's suffering in poverty, and Indifference as a complementary trait to poverty in the story’s context. These two keywords then act as a reference in the visual design of this final project.

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